Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Middle Test Semester 2 / 2010-2011

1. Please, specify and each function about all the members of Microsoft Office 2007 !
2. Please, specify and each function about all the members of Pull Down in Microsoft Office 2007 !
3. Please, specify the function of Office Button in Microsoft Office 2007 !
4. Please, specify all the members of View Menu in Microsoft Office 2007 !
5. Please, specify the advantage of Microsoft Office 2007 ! 

1. a. Microsoft Office Word 2007.
Its uses is to make a simple letter and its envelope. In this modern age people are more *** make computer use traditional letter because it is more practical, quick, and neat example blindly job application letter, letter of invitation, official letter, official letters.
    b. Microsoft Office Power Point 2007.
has the function to help us present the report. That could make powerpoint presentation material and presenting it in an interesting visual form in a short time....
    c. Microsoft Office Exel 2007.
Its uses are as follows sort the data, add the sub total and grand total, edit the text directly in the cell, add up automatically with autosum, create charts quickly and easily premises chard function wizard, print-free proportion.
    d. Microsoft Office Acces 2007.
used mostly by businesses small and medium enterprises, in an even smaller organizations may also be used by large companies, and also the programmer to make a homemade system to handle the manufacture and manipulation of data. Access also can be used as a database for basic Web applications that are stored on the server running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP).
    e. Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
has a unique function. This function is normally only used to send and read e-mail, the program also has a calendar function, work schedules, notes, and journals. When used in conjunction with Microsoft Exchange Server, Outlook can provide access to mailboxes, calendars, and schedules together.
    f. Microsoft Office Pubilsher 2007.
has a function that is used for Desktop publishing.

2. Pull down menu :
*Find, find text in the document
*Go to, navigate to specific place in the document
*Select Object, Change to the selection cursor, so that you can select and
*move ink and other objects in the document
3. a. New, to make a new document
    b. Open, to open a document
    c. Save, to save an updated document
    d. Save as, to save an unnamed document or to save an old document with a new name
    e. Print, print a document
    f. Prepare, to prepare a document to be distributed
    g. Send, to send a document to another person
    h. Publish, to distributed a document to another person

3. a. New, to make a new document
    b. Open, to open a document
    c. Save, to save an updated document
    d. Save as, to save an unnamed document or to save an old document with a new name
    e. Print, print a document
    f. Prepare, to prepare a document to be distributed
    g. Send, to send a document to another person
    h. Publish, to distributed a document to another person

4. Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, Draft, Zoom, 100%, One Page,Two Pages, Page Width.

5. To Make documents such as, letters, reports, and booklets.